Give Your Child The Gift of True Self-Defense and Confidence.

While keeping them ACTIVE and HAVING FUN!



Kids BJJ Self-Defense

  • (From Professor Rick)

    As a lifelong martial artist, myself, I cannot express enough, the value of practical martial arts for kids. The life lessons, humility, confidence and leadership experience that is created in the kids on our mats will stick with them for the rest of their lives.

    Martial arts is a lot more than just fighting and self-defense.

    Martial arts promotes a lifestyle change in kids (and adults) which can transform their lives and bring them success and happiness in the real world.

    Our Philosophy at Invictus, is to not only give your child the realistic skills to defend his/herself, but also to give them the tools and social skills to be successful, and above all, happy in their future.

    Through its lessons, martial arts CAN and WILL help your child as they navigate their way to adulthood. They will build confidence, learn how to become effective leaders and discover what they are truly capable of when they put their minds to a difficult task.

    …And of Course have a lot of FUN in the process.

    This is exactly why our coaches value teaching our kid’s program so much. For us, seeing the growth and development happen for our kids is such a rewarding process. The fulfillment we each get from seeing our kids become successful can’t be understated.

    This is why we do it, it is why we keep our prices affordable and why our program also sponsors underprivileged youth who may not have the financial means to attend classes.

    Thank You for your support and trust in our program.

  • We start our kids program at the age of 6 years old and go to 13. After 13 a parent can decide to move their child into the adult programs.

  • Currently, we have no striking programs for kids. Our striking programs are built to be realistic in their utilization of sparring and sparring drills. For this reason, we have not created a program for kids due to the real dangers of youth CTE on developing brains.

  • While our academy does require kids to have their own Gi for class we, do offer the gis at a ner wholesale cost of $100. The Gis will last until your child out-grows them.

  • Our kids’ program never requires contracts with membership. We understand how often kids change their minds about activities and therefore never require a commitment from parents to sign-up their children for classes.

Practical Techniques & Real Life Skills

Does Your Child Struggle In Any Of The Following Areas?

  • Being Outgoing and Confident?

  • Focus Disorders - ADD / ADHD?

  • Victim of Bullying?

Invictus Can Help!

Benefits to your children Include:

Classes That Help Facilitate:

- Social Interaction

- Confidence Building

- Leadership

- Health and Fitness


Teaching Kids To Defend Themselves So When They Say "NO" It Will Contain More Than Just Hope

We Have seen the following Improvements in our students after the fear of bullying had been removed:

· Improvements in school grades

· Improvements in confidence

· Increased outgoing behaviors

· A more positive attitude and outlook

· Increased focus on tasks

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Character, Leadership And Success Habits Your Child Will Have For The Rest Of Their Lives

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Improvments in health and fitness

At Invictus, our techniques and workouts engage our students to the point that most don’t even realize how hard they are working. breathing hard and smiling is often all we need to see to know they are getting healthy.


Head Kid’s Coach

Coach Jason Cunius

The current head of our Invictus kid’s program, Coach Jason is a former marine who brings discipline and structure to the mats for the kids.

A very passionate and commanding leader, Jason has developed a strong kid’s BJJ program that has led to not only a large quantity of competition wins, but even more importantly, some big changes in the confidence, discipline, and behavior of the students in his class.

We very frequently receive comments from grateful parents regarding the behavioral, discipline and confidence changes in kids within our program.


You Will See Growth In Your Child With Every Class.

Kids Membership Details


A mix of Wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Our Kids program is designed for kids ages 6.5 to 13 and includes competition-level Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu taught by high-level coaches as well as NCAA level Wrestling. 

With classes up to three days a week, students learn self-defense and competition Jiu-Jitsu, including attacks from the ground, wrestling takedowns, strike avoidance, and agility movements designed to give them the skills, knowledge and confidence to succeed in competition, self-defense and life. 


The kid’s Program Cost is $89/ Month for 3 days a week of classes.

The kid’s uniform cost is $100 through our academy.

There are never any contracts associated with our ki’s programs, however, kids are required to have their own Gi within 2 weeks of membership and still require a 30-day notice of cancelation to terminate the membership.

We Sell Gis (uniforms) at cost but you do not have to purchase through our academy. Our coaches will be happy to give you alternative options. 

Kid’s Program Questions?

Talk to us Here

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